香港融樂會一直關心少數族裔的教育,承蒙 社會上同路人的幫助,融樂會自2008起成立及連繫多個獎學金計劃,以幫助經濟有困難的少數族裔青年一圓其讀書夢。
2017年,專上教育獎學金成立第十個年頭,融樂會增設中文表現獎予於香港文憑試中文科或GCE (AL) 中文考試中獲得優良成績的少數族裔學生。
2022/23年度的融樂會中文表現獎現正接受申請,歡迎少數族裔居民於2022年8月31日 (星期三)下午5時或之前提交申請。詳情請細閱申請須知。申請表格可於以下連結登入。
Our gratitude to our sponsor: Dr. Wong Kam Kuen Charity Acts
We are happy to announce the list of awardees for the Unison Tertiary Education Scholarship Scheme for Ethnic Minority Students 2021-2022. After interviews and careful considerations, we have selected 27 awardees for the year.
We are happy to announce the list of awardees for the Unison Tertiary Education Scholarship Scheme for Ethnic Minority Students 2020-2021. After interviews and careful considerations, we have selected 26 awardees for the year.