

文化之旅 - 尼泊爾

文化之旅 - 菲律賓

文化之旅 - 印尼

文化之旅 - 印度

文化之旅 - 巴基斯坦

文化之旅 - 中國








民族服飾 - 尼泊爾

民族服飾 - 巴基斯坦


一星期租金: $300

按金: $500


1. 香港少數族裔的生活

在這個國際都會,你會發現世界級的建築物,有名的主題公園,中西節日,以及環球美食。如果 大家完全擁抱我們作為國際城市的地位,那就不應因為見到不同膚色及臉部特徵的人而感到驚訝。 如果想見到他們,你不需要去到某些地區或大厦,他們就在生活在我們當中,有著相似的思想和 生活,他們就是我們的一分子。

2. 她說 ─ 鏡頭下的少數族裔香港女性

【她說 ─ 鏡頭下的少數族裔香港女性】 透過十七位香港少數族裔女性的相片和故事,她們訴說對生活 堅毅而自信的想法,流露出溫暖而硬朗的特質。希望本相冊可促進社會對少數族裔人士的互相理解,拋 開過往對少數族裔單一的定型,重新認識每一位令香港社會文化更豐富的個體。


一星期租金: $2000

按金: $2000


Terms & Conditions:

1. All rental fee and deposit must be submitted within 48 hrs after the submission of Equipment Rental Form.

2. The RENTER shall keep and maintain the rented equipment during the terms of the rental at his own cost and expense. He shall keep the equipment in its original condition, normal wear and tear excepted.

3. The RENTER shall pay for the damage fee for replacement and/or repair of any equipment which is not returned because it is lost or stolen or any equipment which is damaged and in need of repair. Invoice will be issued if damage fee occurs.

4. The equipment shall be delivered to RENTER and returned to Hong Kong Unison at the RENTER’s risk, cost and expense.

5. If a term rental rate is charged by OWNER, rental charges are billed to the RENTER for the full term even if the equipment is returned before the end of the term. If the equipment is not returned during or at the end of the term, then late fee will apply until the equipment is returned.

6. RENTER indemnifies and holds OWNER harmless for all injuries or damage of any kind for repossession and for all consequential and special damages for any claimed breach of warranty.

7. Upon submitting the Equipment Rental Form, these terms are viewed as accepted by the RENTER.