Equipment Rental

Easy Rack

Cultural tour - Nepal

Cultural tour - Philippines

Cultural tour - Indonesia

Cultural tour - India

Cultural tour - Pakistan

Cultural tour - China

Education: Chinese-as-a-Second-Language Policy

People don't discriminate, they learn it!


Per week rent: $50

Deposit: $100

Cultural Clothing

We have six pieces of cultural clothing available for rental, including Nepalese, Pakistani and Indian clothing.

Cultural clothing - Nepalese

Cultural clothing – Indian

Cultural clothing – Pakistani

Cultural clothing – Bangladeshi


Per week rent: $300

Deposit: $500

Photo Exhibition

1. Life · Minority in Hong Kong

Asia’s World City, a cool name for Hong Kong. In this metropolis, you will find world-class architecture, well-known theme parks, eastern and western festivals, and cuisines from around the world. If we fully embrace our status as a world city, then we should not be surprised to find that there are people of varying skin colors and facial features among us. To meet them, you don’t have to visit any particular neighborhood or mansion. They are in our midst, sharing the similar thoughts and having the similar life in Hong Kong, they are one of us. 

2. She says - Photographing Ethnic Minority Women of Hong Kong

[She says -Photographing Ethnic Minority Women of Hong Kong] is a series of portraits and stories of 17 women from all walks of life who have intricate relationships with Hong Kong, a place that most of them call home. We set out to unfurl stereotypes and tell the life stories of these women, and what we uncovered is picture upon picture of courage, compassion, strength and grace. “Women are very strong by nature. A woman can handle many things and achieve many things, ” said one of the women. 


Per week rent: $2000

Deposit: $2000

If you wish to rent any of the above items, please fill in and submit this form.

Terms and Conditions:

1. All rental fee and deposit must be submitted within 48 hrs after the submission of Equipment Rental Form.

2. The RENTER shall keep and maintain the rented equipment during the terms of the rental at his own cost and expense. He shall keep the equipment in its original condition, normal wear and tear excepted.

3. The RENTER shall pay for the damage fee for replacement and/or repair of any equipment which is not returned because it is lost or stolen or any equipment which is damaged and in need of repair. Invoice will be issued if damage fee occurs.

4. The equipment shall be delivered to RENTER and returned to Hong Kong Unison at the RENTER’s risk, cost and expense.

5. RENTER indemnifies and holds OWNER harmless for all injuries or damage of any kind for repossession and for all consequential and special damages for any claimed breach of warranty.

6. Upon submitting the Equipment Rental Form, these  terms are viewed as accepted by the RENTER.